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Pakistan has virgin coastal belt in Balochistan, Allah almighty has bestowed us with diverse kind of mountain scenery from Suleman, Karakoram and Himalaya heights,these mountain ranges have their own diverse features abundant with great vegetation, wildlife and bird life, which have no match in any part of the world. Religious tourism, especially for the adherents of Sikhism, Buddhism, and Hinduism will increase the number of tourism in the country. "No other sector in Pakistan offers returns on investment as much as tourism," I urge the elite" class of Pakistan to visit the domestic tourist attractions instead of spending their summer vacations in other countries. The mindset regarding allowing foreigners into the country needs to be changed in order to portray a positive image of Pakistan to the world. Pakistan is a peaceful and stable country and open to the world for business and tourism. "Pakistan is known for its hospitality globally because the people here are welcoming to tourists,"